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Carlo Gabriele Tocchetti, MD

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IC-OS Member
Naples, Italy
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About Carlo Gabriele Tocchetti, MD

Prof. Carlo Gabriele Tocchetti is currently Associate Professor of Medicine in the Department of Translational Medical Sciences, Federico II University, Naples, Italy since 2014, where he is Director of the Cardio-Oncology Unit unit and has established himself as a HF basic and clinical investigator. Prof Tocchetti is Fellow of the HFA, Chair of the Study Group on Cardio-Oncology and of the Translational Research Committee of the HFA and chair of the WG on Myocardial Function of the ESC, member of the ESC Council on Cardio-Oncology. The main goal of his lab is to explore pathophysiologic mechanisms and therapeutic targets in cardiac dysfunction, with a particular interest on post-ischemic HF, genetic and inflammatory cardiomyopathies, Pulmonary Hypertension and RV dysfunction, and HF due to antineoplastic therapies, including novel anticancer immunotherapies and biologic drugs employed in inflammatory diseases.

He has published more than 200 highly cited and high impact papers (H-index 58 as of January 2024), is a co-inventor of 2 patents related to HF, and is a Panelist of the 2021 ESC HF guidelines and is an Author of the 2022 ESC Guidelines on Cardio-Oncology. He has been mentoring more than 100 MD and PhD students and Post-Docs and Fellows.

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Associate Professor of Medicine in the Department of Translational Medical Sciences, Federico II University

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